December 21

December 21

We are to listen to and know the word of God. Choose some favorite Scripture verses. Write them on slips of paper and place them in a container, creating a “Blessing Box.” Each day, choose one from the box and read the verse aloud or select one each week to read...
December 20

December 20

Mary treasured special moments in her heart. Take a photo or draw a picture of your family doing something that you treasure in your hearts. Ideas could include praying together, playing games, eating a family meal or vacationing. Journal special words that have been...
December 19

December 19

Mary and Joseph had both challenges and joys as they raised Jesus. Offer a spoken or written prayer for the children in your family – immediate family, extended family, family of faith. Thank God for creating each child in God’s image. Ask for guidance as you serve as...
December 18

December 18

Pile in the car and drive around the community looking at Christmas lights. Look for all the characters in the Christmas story including Mary, Joseph, the angels, the wise men, some animals, the innkeeper and, of course, Baby Jesus!
December 17

December 17

Sunday School guides, teachers and other volunteers give generously of their time, helping us understand God’s teaching. Write a thank you note to someone and deliver it in person on Sunday or mail it.