December 14

December 14

Place the name of each family member in a jar. Ask each person to draw a name. Encourage each family member to serve as a “secret servant” to the person whose name they drew. Serve one another by doing kind deeds, drawing pictures, helping with chores, encouraging...
December 13

December 13

Worship God through prayer, scripture, dancing, singing, coloring, playing instruments and breaking bread – all in honor and praise of God.
December 12

December 12

Spend some time simplifying your living space. Clear out some of the toys, books, clothes and other belongings. Mindfully select what your family will keep. Take gently used items to secondhand stores. Give thanks to God for what you have and help those less...
December 11

December 11

Create a celebration Christmas chain for your family. Cut several strips of green and red paper. Ask each family member to write or tell you something he or she can celebrate. Write one on each strip of paper and connect the strips together forming a chain. Add to...
December 10

December 10

Turn off the lights in the room. Light one candle. Talk about how Jesus came to be the Light of the World. Discuss how your family can be light in the darkness also.
December 9

December 9

Write a Christmas prayer together as a family, encouraging ideas from all members – young and old.