December 8

December 8

Build relationships and share your faith with others this Advent season. Invite someone to your home for a simple dinner or dessert. Interview an older couple or person, asking about their holiday traditions and memories and what makes Christmas meaningful for them....
December 7

December 7

Ask one another, “If you could give the entire world one gift this Christmas, what would it be and why?”
December 6

December 6

In this busy season, take a moment each day to be quiet and still before God. Encourage members of your family to close their eyes and breathe deeply, giving thanks for God’s presence.
December 5

December 5

Giving care to others is one way we can show God’s love. Buy or bake sugar cookies, then frost and decorate them as a family. Share them with someone who may feel alone or sad this season. Spend time visiting with the person and pray he or she experiences God’s...
December 4

December 4

Pray as a family saying, “Dear God, thank you for Advent and Christmas. Thank you for this time when we can focus on Jesus and his love. Please help our hearts be open this season so we can grow to know, love and serve you more deeply. Help us to share your love with...
December 3

December 3

Enjoy a family Christmas movie together. Watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas or Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Talk about the themes of peace and talk about how you can be peacemakers in your family, your community, and your world. Pray for peace everywhere.